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Get ids of playlists that contain details about the content of a channel.


  client = yt_construct_client(),
  cache_disk = getOption("yt_cache_disk", FALSE),
  cache_key = getOption("yt_cache_key", NULL),
  token = NULL



A YouTube OAuth client created with yt_construct_client().


Should the access token be cached on disk? This reduces the number of times that you need to re-authenticate at the cost of storing access credentials on disk.

Learn more in


If you are authenticating with multiple users using the same client, use this key to differentiate between those users.


A YouTube API OAuth token, or the access_token string from such a token. We recommend that you instead supply a client, in which case an appropriate token will be located if possible.


The contentDetails object encapsulates information about the channel's content.

watchHistorycharacterThe ID of the playlist that contains the channel's watch history. Use the playlistItems.insert and playlistItems.delete to add or remove items from that list.
likescharacterThe ID of the playlist that contains the channel's liked videos. Use the playlistItems.insert and playlistItems.delete to add or remove items from that list.
favoritescharacterThe ID of the playlist that contains the channel's favorite videos. Use the playlistItems.insert and playlistItems.delete to add or remove items from that list.
watchLatercharacterThe ID of the playlist that contains the channel's watch later playlist. Use the playlistItems.insert and playlistItems.delete to add or remove items from that list.
uploadscharacterThe ID of the playlist that contains the channel's uploaded videos. Use the videos.insert method to upload new videos and the videos.delete method to delete previously uploaded videos.


if (FALSE) { # yt_has_client_envvars() && interactive()